I am now 38 1/2 Weeks and nearing the home stretch! And man, am I ready to have this little guy! My last appointment was Wednesday (8/3) and we found out some exciting news... If Bryson doesn't decide to come on his own by next Wednesday, (8/10), then I will most likely be induced!!! I would really rather go on my own, but I am to the point where I am ready to meet this little guy and physically I am ready to have my normal body back!
Here are some things that have been different from my other pregnancies:
- Heartburn crazy! Some may think I crave TUMS the way I have to eat them!
- I have three stretch marks on my belly. I cried when I discovered these. I never received ANY stretch marks from the boys, well except on my legs, but none on the belly. Gee thanks Bryson! ;)
- This pregnancy has been physically the most uncomfortable. But I know it will all be over soon and well worth it!
- I have struggled continuously with restless leg syndrome through out this pregnancy. Seriously, this is no fun.
- I am still contemplating the idea of receiving no epidural during labor. Yeah, still not too sure about this though. Just keeping an open mind I guess.
- I'm still craving ice cream, cereal, and fruits.
- Being 9 months pregnant in the summer is no fun. I think if there is a "next time" we will plan around the summer months!
- I love the boy's interaction with the pregnancy! They are so excited to meet Baby Bryson!
Full Term Belly! 37 Weeks

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