I have to be in Corbin at 6:30 AM to begin induction!!!! Today I found out at my appointment that I have dilated to 2 cm! Which is great news! I've progressed quite nicely on my own.
OH MY! I can't believe I'm having a baby tomorrow!!! I have SO many emotions going through me! Excitement. Nervousness. Crazy hormones kicking in... a bit sad that this will be our last night as a family of four. Psycho nesting has suddenly become, "if you get in my way I'll kill you!" :) Wondering how the boys will adjust. Wondering what Bryson will look like. How big he w ill be. Missing Thomas a bit more than usual. Feeling a little guilty. Did I mention I'm excited?!?! Scared. Totally ready!
Moments of pregnancy that I've loved that have included the boys:
- Zachary & Nicholas hugging and kissing my belly goodnight each and every night!
- Nicholas asking for the past several weeks, "Is Bryson coming out of your belly today?"
- Nicholas also saying, "Few more weeks and Bryson will be here!"
- Zachary asking how Bryson will be coming out. These moments were a bit awkward! :/
- The boys talking to Bryson.
- The boys feeling Bryson move.
- Nicholas saying for months that he was having a baby sister!
Yeah, I think they will both be wonderful big brothers!

Yay! Praying for a healthy baby and momma! :)
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