Crazy Faith

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~Hebrews 11:1 Hey Guys! Welcome to the blog! This blog is to describe our journey on our crazy leap of faith! Get ready to join the rollercoaster ride, and see how God can take two very ordinary people and completely reshape them and mold them to completely trust in Him in ALL things!

Location: Pineville, KY

I'm originally from CA, consider my hometown to be Shelbyville, KY but am currently residing in Pineville, KY. I love hanging out with my kiddos and Dan, the city, the ocean, taking hiking trips in the mountains, being around my closest friends, and watching a good chick flick! More than anything though, I love praising and worshiping our Savior Jesus Christ. It is a mystery to me, why He chooses and wants to use me?!?! He is so amazing!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here come the Attacks

Ok, so I know that when you are in His will, that the evil one will attack. Boy is he ever! Let me catch you up:

First off, on the 28th, Dan and I got the day off to go to Pineville to look for jobs. (Pretty important, don't you think? Being that we've only got about 4 weeks left before we move and we have NO jobs!) Anywho, I ended up not being able to go because Zachary and I got really, really sick. I mean, it was ugly! Poor thing. Him and I were taking turns in the bathroom all night and all day. I think at one point him and I fell asleep on the bathroom floor together. :( After all the bathroom trips stopped, it took us a few days to get over that horrable achy feeling that you have.

All of that really slowed down our progress on getting the house ready. I mean, I know it's just 3 day, but when 2 weeks is all you got, that's a long time.

August 7th:
That night, being Friday night, we decided to take a trip to Pineville since our cottage was ready!
Dan's parents drove their truck and we took ours, so we were able to get two huge loads to our new home! (pics coming soon!) It made me really excited to see our new place and meet some of the people on campus. It was so cute, you should've seen all the boys. Brandon, Bradley (Dan's two younger brothers) and Zachary were all helping us unload the truck and Nicholas wanted to help. So, carrying his favorite pillow he comes to the truck to help and I handed him this little camera box to carry in. He just got so excited! Walking in this very proud way saying "thank you box! I help! Thank you box!" with his pillow tucked under one arm and the box under the other! I love my baby!

Anyways, earlier that day when Dan and I were doing our monthly budget, and honestly I know this is personal but God is doing something great here so I'm gonna share it anyways, we're about $800.00 shy. Scary, I know. We're wondering how in the world we are going to make it. Dan's last day at work was on July 31st, so we're short an entire income. My car needed new tires, which were 300 bucks, Dan had to stay in a hotel during CCBBC orientation which was 120 dollars, and we are behind. We also found out that in order to replace our carpet it's going to cost us 530 dollars. All of this PLUS being the 800 shy. What the heck are we supposed to do?

We spent the whole weekend just praying that God would provide. I mean He does tell us "not to worry. That He provides even for the birds in the air, how much more will He provide for us!?"

But yet still, we become extremley stressed and worrisome. Saturday, after returning to Shelbyville, we begin painting on Sunday. We're totally stressed because I mean, our house is supposed to go on the market tomorrow!! I'm totally freaking out, in tears.

But our God is AMAZING!!! He is so teaching me that He will not bring us this far and then let go. No. He is with us all the way, always, through it all!

It's Sunday night and we're still stressin'. At 11 PM we get a phone call from Dan's brother, Justin. He wants to rent our home! Now, I completley did not want to rent our home. I mean let's take a minute and look at this. One, we are still responsible for the house. If somethings breaks, we replace it. If Justin bailes out, we still have a mortgage. If it gets trashed, we're still responsible. Not saying that Justin wouldn't take care of the place, this was just my thoughts on renting in general. Alot can go wrong. However, we realized that if we rented out our home that it would mean freeing up my paycheck at the end of the month, providing us the exact same amount that we're short!!! And, we had been praying for God to provide. And as I'm learning, my plans are not His plans. My wants are not His wants. Was this God's way of providing? We felt complete peace about it, so... we're renting our house now! Oh my! 8)
But, hey I mean this whole thing is just us leaping out on Crazy Faith! Why not our house too!

God is amazing!!


Blogger Victoria said...

Remember, where God guides, God provides!!! He's always got a ram in the bush!!

August 19, 2009 at 3:11 PM  

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