Camping in October
Here were some pictures that I found on the laptop from our camping trip that we took in October, (my last week on maternity leave, and the week that I had mastitis.) Bryson was about 2 months old in these pictures.
Some time at the playground. I particularly thoroughly enjoyed this time watching the boys run from one activity to another, while Dan and I relaxed in some chairs holding Bryson and just hanging out together.
While we were camping, the campgrounds were pretty much empty around the tent sites, so the boys had plenty of open field space to run and play! It was great!
Bryson loved being outside and examining everything that was around him.
First arriving on the site, setting up the tent.
Hanging out in the playpen outside in the beautiful weather!
Helping Daddy with the tent.
The boys were big helpers moving a picnic table over to our campsite.
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