And I can't sleep. So, I thought I would FINALLY update this thing, before my life becomes extremely busy with a new baby! Instead of blogging, I've been spending my days working, then coming home and cleaning, organizing, and somewhat resting! I would say the whole nesting thing is definitely in full swing! I am a nesting nut! Constantly finding something to clean, reorganizing cabinets, file drawers, (like any of this matters to bringing home a new baby!) But I just can't help it! All I think about is cleaning. I'm telling you. NUT! I tend to end up overdoing it, and then, I rest. On Dan's orders!
I have SO much to update you guys on.
Let's begin by going back to my 32 week appointment. Check out our little dude!

Aren't these the coolest pictures ever! We had a bit of a sneak peak of our little guy. I say it was just a big tease! We are so ready to meet him!
All of my appointments have been going well. More recently, beginning at 34 weeks, I have begun to dilate and my cervix has begun to thin. And Bryson has gotten in the birthing position! For the past 2 1/2 weeks I have been dilated a fingertip. The doctor has said with the progress that I was making, once I reached 36 weeks, they wouldn't stop labor should it happen. (Writing this, I am now 36 1/2 weeks.)
My next appointment is Wednesday, and I will officially be full term! I also have a few exciting questions for the doctor. One in particular that I want to ask... I think Saturday I lost my mucus plug. Which is always a sign of labor being nearer! I am beginning to feel many new aches and pains. The Braxton Hicks are becoming more and more frequent, lasting longer, and are sometimes accompanied with pain. I experience lower back pain pretty often during contractions. As well as pretty uncomfortable pelvis pressure and other pains. Yep, I'd say labor isn't too far off. Well, hopefully anyways! :)