Crazy Faith
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~Hebrews 11:1 Hey Guys! Welcome to the blog! This blog is to describe our journey on our crazy leap of faith! Get ready to join the rollercoaster ride, and see how God can take two very ordinary people and completely reshape them and mold them to completely trust in Him in ALL things!
About Me
- Name: Nicole Poe
- Location: Pineville, KY
I'm originally from CA, consider my hometown to be Shelbyville, KY but am currently residing in Pineville, KY. I love hanging out with my kiddos and Dan, the city, the ocean, taking hiking trips in the mountains, being around my closest friends, and watching a good chick flick! More than anything though, I love praising and worshiping our Savior Jesus Christ. It is a mystery to me, why He chooses and wants to use me?!?! He is so amazing!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
New Recipes!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Help please! Please post any suggestions! Thanks a bunch!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
More Pics
I LOVE What He is Teaching Me!!
Some things that God has spoken to me about:
I can't biblically submit to my husband, if I have never fully submitted to Christ! WHOA! Let that settle with ya!
Sure I've place my faith, my hope, and my trust in Him. I am confident that I am His child. When I came to know Him 9 years ago, I was 16 years old. And although I had a wonderful pastor who had a desire for youth and through him, Christ taught me all of my foundation, I didn't learn, or maybe it was more like I didn't care, about what a biblical wife is supposed to be like. I was 16! Of course that's not on my mind. So to take all that I've ever known, seen, heard and believed about how I am to be a wife, has become this wordly lie that has become truth to me. It is so hard for me to swallow my pride, and fully surrender. But if I want to be in the will of God, I must.
Sometimes I wish that God was just this genie, who at a moment's request could just "POOF" make it all go away or get better! But of course God isn't some magical genie. He doesn't always just go "POOF" because He wants us to learn how to seek Him, trust in Him, and have faith in Him, which leads to having full confidence in Him!
I can feel Him working in my life right now, and I love it! It is so refreshing!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Potty & Loose Tooth!
Nicholas is completely potty trained!! YAY! No more pull-ups! It has taken much bribery, but Nicholas has finally mastered the potty! We still do much cheering and celebrating after each victory - Nicholas even cheers for all of us now! Including in public places! :/ One night we were at Pizza Hut, and after Nicholas used the potty, he ran out into the lobby and yelled for all to hear with much excitement and joy, "I WENT POTTY!!!" And as I said, he even cheers for us at home! High fives, hugs, dancing and all!
Zachary has his first loose tooth! And he's looking forward to the day it comes out! Each day he asks us if it's any looser, then proceeds to explain to us that he thinks it is and why it is!
Good Stuff!! I love my kiddos!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Picture Updates!!!
The view was very pretty though!
Nicholas wouldn't eat the smore put together, nor would he eat a roasted marshmellow. Only the chocolate and graham cracker together, and then the marshmellow on a stick!!
We've also spent some time walking around campus and taking the kids to the big open field and the playground on campus. It's been fun!!
We went to the Pinnacle, and saw some more amazing views! I love the Pinnacle!
Campus was absolutely beautiful during Spring!