What an incredible weekend!!! It was a Girl's Weekend Out!
Morgan, Jesse, Devon, Mary, and myself all met up in Lexington for the Beth Moore Living Proof Conference! Man, it was awesome!
For now, here are some pics. I will get all my notes and thoughts about the message on here some other time!

The worship was incredible! Probably one of the best worship experiences I've ever had! There is nothing like 11 THOUSAND women worshiping our Lord! I
love seeing all generations together worshiping and in His Word together! At one point I glanced over and saw a women, probably in her late 80's, and though you could tell her body was frail and fragile, her hand was raised in worship to our Lord! May seem silly, but I absolutely love moments like that! It is just such a beautiful picture!
I also love to just listen for a moment! There is something so powerful to just listen to a group that large in worship! It's like a small glimpse of Heaven!
In this picture the guys were doing some Southern Gospel tunes. Now, this is not my style of music, but it was still awesome seeing all the "older" ladies standing, clapping, and stomping their feet!
This weekend was awesome, because it was a nice break from work and yes, even a nice break from my precious boys and sweet hubby! And, it was awesome being in the city again! Oh how I miss the city SO much! The mountains are beautiful and all, but I really miss the city life! I don't realize how much I miss it, until I'm there again! The downtown streets of Lexington are beautiful! Yes, BEAUTIFUL! :) Close access to Starbucks is a beautiful thing! ;)
Now I'm back home with the guys. Back to burping, random gas, super hero's running around at every waking moment, and tickling mommy attacks!
I Wouldn't have it any other way!!