Crazy Faith
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~Hebrews 11:1 Hey Guys! Welcome to the blog! This blog is to describe our journey on our crazy leap of faith! Get ready to join the rollercoaster ride, and see how God can take two very ordinary people and completely reshape them and mold them to completely trust in Him in ALL things!
About Me
- Name: Nicole Poe
- Location: Pineville, KY
I'm originally from CA, consider my hometown to be Shelbyville, KY but am currently residing in Pineville, KY. I love hanging out with my kiddos and Dan, the city, the ocean, taking hiking trips in the mountains, being around my closest friends, and watching a good chick flick! More than anything though, I love praising and worshiping our Savior Jesus Christ. It is a mystery to me, why He chooses and wants to use me?!?! He is so amazing!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another Wonderful Weekend!!
- Dad and Zachary, with the help of Nicholas, all played Hide & Seek;
- Marquita gave me some great tips on crocheting my scarf, and corrected the wavieness of it!
- We all watched Dr. Suesses How the Grinch Stole Christmas - my all time fav!!
- We all got up early and started fixing the Thanksgiving meal!
All of the family was there! It was so great seeing my brothers and my sister, and all my neices and nephews! The kiddos had so much fun being with each other again to!
Aiden, Nicholas, and Alyssa playing with the blocks!
Zachary and AJ are best buds!
Tyler and Nicholas playing cars together!
Tyler, Zachary, and Justin hangin' out!
Billie Jo and Alyssa taking a pose!
Jen and Chuck!
Marquita with her mom and brother! It was so great seeing them there that day!
A squirrel eating from the bird feeder!!!
On our way out, we stopped by Mary and Corys for a quick visit, and we got to see their new home! It's always a joy being around them!!
I love weekends like these! Next weekend otta' be good too - It's Thanksgiving!!!
Day Dreamin'...
"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 1:6That made me feel so much better!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Food for Thought
Her and I were chatting about letting go of our lives, giving control over to God. Her and her husband have a life changing decision ahead of them and she is struggling to give God complete control. She feels His calling very strongly, but it is a scary thing to let Him have it all. Even if it means changing the plans that you have made for yourself.
I thought this was cool:
Jesus is speaking....
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
~John 10:10
Focus on the latter part of the verse. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus wants you to live life to the fullest! He wants you to obey His calling and trust in Him on this adventure that He has for you!!
Trust me, it's a hard thing to do to give Him complete control and surrender to His will for you. But man, once you do it, it is the most incredible adventure!!
Love ya!
Monday, November 16, 2009
What a Wonderful Weekend!
- Laughing together!
- Staying up late just talking about God and His Word!
- Sharing wisdom to one another
- Eating, Eating, Eating!!
- Our 5AM Wake up call, all sitting at the kitchen table sipping on coffee (well except me - I hate coffee) trying to wake up- Mary and Cory had commitments with their church- they had to leave our house by 6AM!
- Just being with good friends again!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Some Updates!
Life has pretty much settled down here for us.
The new job at the bank is going great! Some things to get used to, but I'll manage. Still miss CUB though. I'm in the works of designing a New Hire Orientation - which sure is fun for me!
Dan is wrapping up his first semester - Can you believe it?!?! Already a semester down! He's doing great though!
The boys are great - Nicholas is exploring the "Potty World" with his first victory yesterday afternoon!! One step closer to no more diapers / pull ups! :) Nicholas is singing his ABC's now, and also likes singing "Jesus Loves Me" while walking around with his little Bible and tapping on it when he sings the part of the song that says, "the Bible tells me so". Zachary had a Veteran's Day thing at his school yesterday where he sang a song with his classmates. It was so cute! Zachary is also doing really good with his reading! He sure is loving school. Oh, something I have to tell you guys - the other night we were teaching Zachary about Creation. We read to him all the days that God created the earth, then we began telling him about the fact that there will be a day when someone will try to tell him that God did not create the earth. And Zachary says, "Well. I know! I can put my Bible in my back pack and when they say that, I can just go to this first chapter and show them." It was so sweet. My prayer is that he will always keep that simplicity. We were also talking about His Return, and teaching him about that. (I was so proud that Zachary actually told us pretty much the whole story of Jesus' return!) Well anyway, I was telling him about how He is preparing a place for us in Heaven. And Zachary says, "I hope it's not on the clouds, because that mansion would be too heavy for the clouds!"!!!!! I love my baby!
We were back home last weekend - it's funny, I don't think I realize how much I miss it until I'm there again. Especially the little things - like close interstate access (not having to drive 45 minutes just to get to one); good radio reception; good phone reception; calling up friends to just hang out; calling up parents to just see if we can visit; our home church. I never thought I'de say it, but I sure do miss Shelbyville! I also always enjoy going to Louisville of course whenever we're home.
Love and Miss you all!